Braga. PSP apreende livros por considerar pornográfica capa com quadro de Courbet .
E insistem. PSP de Braga justifica apreensão de livros com “perigo de alteração da ordem pública”.

Gustave Courbet,A Origem do Mundo,1866
A Europa dá uma ajuda para resolver o problema.

Tanja Ostojic, Untitled, 2004
Para que não pensem que só há disto por cá.
«Tanja Ostojic / Statement
APA: your image has been called misogynist and sexist. can you imagine why? did you intend a reaction like that? why can't people stand to see the lower part of a woman's body?
T.O.: The Austrian tabloid Die Krone labeled this work pornographic despite the fact that there is no visible sexual organs on the picture nor has it been created to provoke an excitement of such kind, while the same yellow press paper is publishing images of naked women with an explicit erotic intention on a daily base. Die Krone could raise their edition with this superficial campaign and then moved on to new sensastions. A big part of the remaining press unintelligently overtook the media-scandal definition…
This work has been previousely published and on display already in Austria, but also in Canada, the U.K., Germany, the U.S. …in the form of being printed in Art Magazines, as a photography (46 X 55 cm) in art exhibitions, or as part of slide projections within my performance “integration impossible” and during lectures in Universities and public presentations. Several female and feminist theorists wrote on my work and a discourse of sexism was never brought into discussion in any of the above mentioned situations and I am sure that it doesn’t apply.»